Sunday, August 30, 2009


Here, i would to talk about 'what i have learn from my part I MIS assignment research part I assignment is about research the prices of PC desktop,laptop,printer,scanner and computer software. We must do comparision between 2 brands of the computer hardware and software. This comparision, we must use spreedsheet or known as Microsoft Excel. From this spreedsheet, I can see clearly the differences between both brand. It will be easier for those who want to buy the best computer hardware and software. Now, i will not be cheated with other people to buy computer because now i understand how to search a better price and a quality computers.

Then, after do the comparision, we must do quatation for the best price of the brand. We always see the quatation when purchase something from the shop. But now, I must prepared the quatation for my customer (pretend that I have a computer shop) of all the things that my customer purchase from me. For a business person, this is important for me to learn how to do the quatation. This is the proof of the purchases that customer buy from us. To claim anything about the purchases, the customer must show the quatation so that the seller will check it with their record.

Here is both my comparison and quatation that i completely finished for this assignment part I for MIS. I'm relly thankful to ALLAH because finally it's done. I hope sir will accepted both my assignment and I have a better marks.


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